Pater Gratia Oriental Art

For Sale / Private Copies G-K

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Ganse 2008

S.H. Ganse, Chinese Export Porcelain. East to West, San Francisco 2008

Garner 1967-69

H. Garner, The Origins of Famille Rose, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, London 1967-69

Godden 1979

G.A. Godden, Oriental export market porcelain and its influence on European wares, London/New York/Sydney/Toronto/Johannesburg/Auckland 1979

Goddio & Guyot de Saint Micheal 1999

F. Goddio and E.J. Guyot de Saint Micheal, "Griffin". On the Route of an Indiaman. London 1999

Goldsmith Phillips 1956

J.G. Phillips, China Trade Porcelain. An account of its historical background, manufacture, and decoration and a study of the Helena Woolworth McCann Collection, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1956

Gompertz 1980

G.St.G.M. Gompertz, Chinese Celadon Wares, London 1980

Gordon 1977

E. Gordon, Collecting Chinese Export Porcelain, New York 1977

Gorham 1971

H.H. Gorham, Japanese and Oriental Ceramics, Rutland / Tokyo 1971

Groeneweg & Braat 1988

I. Groeneweg & S. Braat, "Oosters porselein en Delfts aardewerk in Museum Paul Tétar van Elven te Delft", in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vol. 129, 1988/1

Gulland 1911

W.G. Gulland, Chinese Porcelain, Vol. 1, London 1911


Harrisson 1979

B. Harrisson, Swatow, catalogue Princessehof Museum, Leeuwarden 1979

Harrisson 1981

B. Harrisson, Kraakporselein een introduktie met 12 voorbeelden / Kraakporcelain an introduction with 12 examples, Leeuwarden 1981

Harrisson 1985

B. Harrisson Keramiek uit Azië. Een gids voor de Aziatische afdelingen, Leeuwarden 1985

Hartog 1990

S. Hartog, Pronken met Oosters Porselein, exhibition catalogue Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, Zwolle 1990

Hatcher, De Rham & Thorncroft 1987

M. Hatcher, M. de Rham and A. Thorncroft, The Nanking Cargo, London 1987

Hervouët 1986

F. & N. Hervouët, La porcelaine des Compagnie des Indes a décor occidental, Paris 1986 

Honey 1944

W.B. Honey, The Ceramic Art of China and other Countries of the Far East, London 1944

Howard 1974

D.S. Howard, Chinese Armorial Porcelain, London 1974

Howard & Ayers 1978

D.S. Howard & J. Ayers, China for the West. Chinese porcelain and other decorative arts for export illustrated from the Mottahedeh collection, 2 vols. London/New York 1978

Howard & Ayers 1981

D.S. Howard & J. Ayers, Masterpieces of Chinese Export Porcelain from the Mottahedeh Collection in the Virginia Museum, London 1981 

Howard 1984

D.S. Howard, New York and the China trade, New York 1984

Howard 1994

D.S. Howard, The choice of the private trader. The private market in Chinese export porcelain illustrated from the Hodroff collection, London 1994

Howard 1997

D.S. Howard, A Tale of Three Cities Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong. Three Centuries of Sino-British Trade in the decorative Arts, London 1997

Howard 2003

D.S. Howard, Chinese Armorial Porcelain. Volume II, Chippenham 2003

Huitfeldt 1993

J. Huitfeldt, Ostindisk Porselen i Norge, Oslo, 1993


Impey 2002

O. Impey, Japanese Export Porcelain. Catalogue of the Collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Amsterdam 2002

Impey, Jörg & Mason 2009

O. Impey, C.J.A. Jörg and C. Mason, Dragons, Tigers and Bamboo: Japanese Porcelain and its impact in Europe - The Mac-Donald Collection, Vancouver BC, 2009  

Impey & Pickwoad 2011

H. Impey & K. Pickwoad, A Bowlful of Happiness, Haren 2011

Impey & Pickwoad 2011

H. Impey & K. Pickwoad, Een Kom vol Geluk, Haren 2011


Jacob-Hanson 2000

C. Jacob-Hanson, 'Maria Sibylla Merian: artist and naturalist', The Magazine Antiques vol. 158, no. 2, August 2000, pp.174-183, Pl.VII.

Jacquemart & Le Blant 1862

A. Jacquemart and E. le Blant, Histoire artitique, industrielle et commerciale de la porcelaine, Paris 1862

Jansen 1968

B. Jansen, Haags Gemeentemuseum Chinees Porselein 14e-19e eeuw / Gemeentemuseum The Hague Chinese Porcelain of the 14th-19th centuries, The Hague 1968

Jansen 1976

B. Jansen, Chinese ceramiek, catalogue Haags Gemeentemuseum, Lochem 1976

Jenyns 1953

S. Jenyns, Ming Pottery and Porcelain, London 1953

Jenyns 1979

S. Jenyns, Japanese Porcelain, London / Boston 1979

Jongsma 1992

H. Jongsma, "Een lading 17e-eeuws Chinees export porselein. De Vung Tau Cargo", in: Antiek, XXVI-9, Lochem, April 1992, pp.453-456

Jörg 1978

C.J.A. Jörg, Porselein als Handelswaar. De porseleinhandel als onderdeel van de Chinahandel van de V.O.C. 1729-1794, Groningen 1978

Jörg 1980

C.J.A. Jörg, Pronk Porcelain. Porcelain after designs by Cornelis Pronk, exhibition catalogue, Groninger Museum / Haags Gemeentemuseum, Groningen 1980

Jörg 1982/1

C.J.A. Jörg, Porcelain and the Dutch China trade, The Hague 1982

Jörg 1982/2

C.J.A. Jörg, Oosterse keramiek uit Groninger kollekties, exhibition catalogue Groninger Museum, Groningen 1982

Jörg 1983

C.J.A. Jörg, Oosters porselein. Delfts aardewerk. Wisselwerkingen, Groningen 1983

Jörg 1984

C.J.A. Jörg. Interaction in Ceramics. Oriental porcelain and Delftware, exhibition catalogue, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong 1984

Jörg 1986/1

C.J.A. Jörg, The Geldermalsen. History and Porcelain, Groningen 1986

Jörg 1986/2

C.J.A. Jörg, "Drie stukken Chine de Commande", in: Antiek, XX-8 II, Lochem, maart 1986, pp.517-521

Jörg 1989/1

C.J.A. Jörg, "Een Japanse fles met de initialen FW", in: Antiek, XXIII-7, Lochem, Februari 1989, pp.396-407

Jörg 1989/2

C.J.A. Jörg, Chinese export porcelain. Chine de Commande from the Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels, exhibition catalogue Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong 1989

Jörg 1990

C.J.A. Jörg, "Kraakporselein", in: Antiek, XXV-2, Lochem, August/September 1990, pp.53-64

Jörg 1991

C.J.A. Jörg, "Japanese Apothecary Bottles with Initials", in: The 'Hyakunenan' Journal of Porcelain, No. 7, Arita, Summer 1991

Jörg 1995

C.J.A. Jörg, Oosters Porselein. Een keuze uit de verzameling van het Museum Boymans-van Beuningen / Oriental Porcelain. A choice from the Boymans-van Beuningen Museum collection, Rotterdam 1995

Jörg 1996

C.J.A. Jörg, 'De Parasoldame', in: Kunstschrif, 1996-5, Den Haag, september / oktober 1996, pp.38-44

Jörg & Van Campen 1997 

C.J.A. Jörg in collaboration with J. van Campen, Chinese Ceramics in the Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, London 1997

Jörg 1999

C.J.A. Jörg et al., Ceramics Crossed Overseas: Jingdezhen, Imari and Delft from the collection of the Groninger Museum. Catalogue of a travelling exhibition in Japan, Tokyo 1999.

Jörg & Flecker 2001

C.J.A. Jörg & M. Flecker, Porcelain from the Vung Tau Wreck, the Hallstrom Excavation, Singapore 2001

Jörg 2002/1

C.J.A. Jörg, "To the Highest Bidder: The Auction of a Porcelain Shop in Amsterdam in 1778", in: Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, vol. 65, 2000-2001, London 2002, pp. 61-73. 

Jörg 2002/2

C.J.A. Jörg, Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting. Selectie uit de collectie Oosterse keramiek. / Jan Menze van Diepen Foundation. A Selection from the Collection of Oriental Ceramics, Slochteren 2002

Jörg 2002/3

C.J.A. Jörg, "Prenten op Porselein", in: Beelden in veelvoud. De vermenigvuldiging van het beeld in prentkunst en fotografie, ed. N. Bartelings e.a., Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 12, Leiden 2002, pp.167-176. 

Jörg 2002/4

C.J.A. Jörg, A Pattern of Exchange: Jan Luyken and Chine de Commande Porcelain, in: Metropolitan Museum Journal, vol. 37, New York 2002

Jörg 2003/1

C.J.A. Jörg, Fine & Curious. Japanese Export Porcelain in Dutch Collections, Amsterdam 2003

Jörg 2003/2

C.J.A. Jörg, in co-operation with Alessandra Borstlap, Jan van Campen and Titus M. Eliëns, Oriental Porcelain in the Netherlands. Four Museum Collections, Groningen 2003

Jörg 2011/1

C.J.A. Jörg, Austrumu porcellans un Niderlande. Austrumu un Rietumu mijiedarbiba 17. gadsimta / Oriental Porcelain and the Netherlands. Interaction between East and West in the 17th century, Riga 2011

Jörg 2011/2

C.J.A. Jörg, Famille Verte, Chinese Porcelain in Green Enamels, Groningen 2011


Kamp 1968

P.A. van de Kamp, "Een Rotterdams belastingdrama op Chinees porselein", in: Antiek, II-6, Lochem, januari 1968, pp.271-277

Kassel 1990

Porzellan aus China und Japan. Die Porzellangalerie der Landgrafen von Hessen-Kassel, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Kassel, Berlin 1990

Kerr 1986

R. Kerr, Chinese Ceramics. Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, London 1986

Kerr 2011

R. Kerr & Mengoni, L, with a contribution by Ming Wilson, Chinese Export Ceramics, London 2011

Kerr 2015

R. Kerr, Asian Ceramics in The Hallwyl Collection, Stockholm, 2015

Kleyn 1980

J. de Kleyn, "Pattipannen en schuitjes bij de thee", in: Antiek, XV-5, Lochem, December 1980, pp.253-261

Krahe 2016

C. Krahe, Chinese Porcelain in Habsburg Spain, Madrid 2016

Krahl & Ayers 1986

R. Krahl & J. Ayers, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum, Istanbul, 3 vols, London 1986

Kroes 2007

J. Kroes, Chinese Armorial Porcelain for the Dutch market, The Hague 2007

Kroes 2008

J. Kroes, Hoog Weledelgebooren Heer en Neef. Chinees porselein met Nederlandse familiewapens in de achttiende eeuw in: Vormen uit Vuur 202, Amsterdam 2008/3, pp.4-19.

Kyushu 1990

Shibata collection part I, Kyushu 1990

Kyushu 1990/1

Hizen wares abroad. The 10th anniversary special exhibition, Kyushu 1990

Kyushu 1991

Shibata collection part II, Kyushu 1991

Kyushu 1993

Shibata collection part III, Kyushu 1993

Kyushu 1995

Shibata collection part IV, Kyushu 1995

Kyushu 1997

Shibata collection part V, Kyushu 1997

Kyushu 1998

Shibata collection part VI, Kyushu 1998

Kyushu 2001

Shibata collection part VII, Kyushu 2001

Kyushu 2002

Shibata collection part VIII, Kyushu 2002

Kyushu 2003

Complete Catalogue of the Shibata Collection, Kyushu 2003