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Lammers & Ridho 1974
C. Lammers in collaboration with A. Ridho, Annamese ceramics in the Museum Pusat Jakarta, Jakarta, 1974
Lebel 2009
A. Lebel, Armoiries françaises et suisses sur la porcelaine de Chine au XVIIIe siècle / French and Swiss armorials on Chinese exort porcelain of the 18th century, Pamelune 2009
Lion-Goldschmidt 1957
D. Lion-Goldschmidt, Les poteries et porcelaines chinoises, Paris 1957
Little 1992
R. Little, Porcelaines des Compagnies des Indes de la collection du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal/ Oriental Export Porcelain from the Collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada 1992
Little 2000
S. Little, Taoism and the Arts of China, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago 2000
Litzenburg 2003
Th. V. Litzenburg Jr., Chinese Export Porcelain in the Reeves Center Collection at Washington and Lee University, Londen 2003
London 1988
The Bullivant Collection of Armorial Porcelain. Offered by direction of the Executors of the late Cecil H. Bullivant, auction catalogue Phillips London, 22 March 1988
London 1989/1
The Peony Pavilion Collection: Chinese Tea Ceramics for Japan (c.1580-1650), auction catalogue Christie's London, 12 June 1989
London 1989/2
The Ceramic Cargo of a Medieval South Asian Trading Vessel, auction catalogue Christie's London, 11 December 1989
London 1990
Fine Chinese Export Porcelain from the Collection of Angelo Castelo Branco Cerqueira Caldas, auction sale catalogue Sotheby's London, 8th May 1990
London 1994
Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain, Conran Octopus Limited, London 1994
London 1997
Ko-Imari from the collection of Oliver Impey, catalogue Barry Davies Oriental Art, London 1997
London 1998
Chinese Export Porcelain and Works of Art, auction sale catalogue Sotheby's London, 17 June 1998
London 2001
Western Orders of Chinese Porcelain / O Gosto Ocidental na Porcelana Chinesa, London / Lisbon 2001
London 2002
The Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann Collection, European Furniture and Chinese Export Porcelain, auction catalogue Christie's London 10 April 2002
London 2014/1
Hit & Myth, exhibition/sale catalogue Cohen & Cohen, London 30 October - 8 November 2014
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1968
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “De Chinese porseleinkast”, catalogue of a travelling exhibition, Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Amsterdam 1968 – Museum Het Sterckshof, Deurne 1969" in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vol. 52, 1968
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1969
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, "Een verzameling blauw-en-wit Chinees porselein te Brummen", in: Antiek, IV-3, Lochem, October 1969, pp.119-130
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1970
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Invloed en navolging van het Chinese Wan Li- en Overgangsporselein op Noord-Nederlands majolica" in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vol. 60, 1970
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1971
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Japans porselein met blauwe decoraties uit de tweede helft van de zeventiende en de eerste helft van de achttiende eeuw”, in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vols. 64/65, 1971
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1971/1
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, L'armoire Hollandaise aux porcelaines de Chine, exposition itinérante aux Pays-Bas aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles / catalogue de l'exposition itinérante of a travelling exhibition, Musé des Beaux-Arts et de la Céramique, Rouen 1977 - Musé de Picardie, Amiens 1971 / Catalogue of a travelling exhibition,Musé des Beaux-Arts et de la Céramique, Rouen 1977 - Musé de Picardie, Amiens 1971
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1972
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinees porselein en aardewerk, Bussum 1972
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1973
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, "Opnieuw een decor met twee papegaaien en een versiering van bloemenmanden", in: Antiek, VIII-3, Lochem, October 1973, pp.234-241.
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1974
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinese export porcelain. Chine de Commande, London 1974, English translation of the Dutch edition, Hilversum 1966
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1977
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Aziatische Ceramiek uit vijf eeuwen, exhibition catalogue of the J.M. van Diepen Collection, Fraeylemaborg Slochteren, Groningen 1977
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1980
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesisches und Japanisches Porzellan in europäischen Fassungen, Braunschweig 1980
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1981
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Het Chinese porselein in de collectie Frits Lugt / The Frits Lugt collection of Chinese porcelains”, in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vols. 103/104, Lochem 1981, pp.3-96
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1982/1
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Brieven van pater d'Entrecolles en de mededelingen over de porseleinfabricage uit oude boeken. / Letters of Father d'Entrecolles and the accounts of Chinese porcelain from old European publications, Alphen aan de Rijn 1982
Lunsingh Scheurleer 1982/2
D.F. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Aziatische Ceramiek en Glas, exhibition catalogue of the J.M. van Diepen Collection, Fraeylemaborg Slochteren, Groningen 1982
MacGuire 2023
B. MacGuire, Four Centuries of Blue & White. The Frelinghuysen Collection of Chinese And Japanese Export Porcelain, Chicago 2023
Melbourne 2004
The Binh Thuan Shipwreck, sale catalogue Christie’s Melbourne, 1/2 March 2004
Middelburg 2012
Glossy of the exhibition 'Eenmaal Andermaal. De porseleinschatten van Willem Bal', Glossy Zeeuws Museum Middelburg 2012
Miedema 1964/1
H. Miedema, Kraakporselein - overgangsgoed, catalogue Princessehof Museum, Leeuwarden 1964
Mudge 2000
J. McClure Mudge, Chinese export porcelain in North America, New York 2000
Nagatake 1991
Nagatake,Takeshi, Shimasaki, Susumu & Imaizumi, Motosuke, Arita, Kutani: Nihon no Yakimono, Culture Books, volume 4, Tokyo 1991
New York 1985
Important Chinese Export Porcelain from the Mottahedeh Collection, auction sale catalogue Sotheby's New York, January 30, 1985
New York 2000
Important Chinese Export Porcelain and Chinese works of art from the Collection of the late Mildred R. and Rafi Y. Mottahedeh, auction sale catalogue Sotheby's New York, October 19, 2000
New York 2004
Captains and kilns: European Ceramics, Chinese Export and Maritime Art, including Palissyware and French Majolica, the Property of Animal Art Antiques, Auction Catalogue, Christie's, New York, Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 January 2004
New York 2004/1
The Benjamin Edwards Collection of Porcelain, Part III, Christie’s New York, 20th of January 2004
New York 2008
The Hodroff Collection Part II. Chinese Export Porcelain from the Collection of Leo and Doris Hodroff, Christie’s New York, 23th of January 2008
Oka 1985
Y. Oka, "De herkomst van Pronks porseleinontwerpen", in: Antiek, XX-2, Lochem, Augustus/September 1985, pp.69-76
Oort & Kater 1982
H.A. van Oort & J.M. Kater, "Chinese Soft Paste or Steatitic Porcelain", Arts of Asia, vol. 12 nr. 2, March/April 1982, pp.112-124
Ostkamp 2011
S. Ostkamp, Krekels, kikkers en een lang en voorspoedig leven. De boeddhistisch-taoïstische belevingswereld in de huiskamer van de vroegmoderne Republiek, in: Vormen uit Vuur 212/213, Amsterdam 2011/1, p. 12 en p.31, noot 39.
Ottema 1943
N. Ottema, Chineesche Ceramiek. Handboek. Geschreven naar aanleiding van de verzameling in het Museum Het Princessehof te Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden 1943
Oxford 1981
Eastern Ceramics and other works of art from the collection of Gerald Reitlinger, exhibition catalogue Ashmolean Museum Oxford, London 1981
Palmer 1976
A.M. Palmer, A Winterthur guide to Chinese export porcelain, New York 1976
Park 1973
S.H. Park, Chinesisches Auftragsporzellan der Ostasiatischen Handelskompanie in Emden, Aurich 1973
Pietsch, Loesch & Ströber 2006
U. Pietsch, A. Loesch and E. Ströber, China, Japan, Meissen. The Dresden Porcelain Collection, Dreseden 2006
Pijl-Ketel 1982
C.L. van der Pijl-Ketel ed., The ceramic load of the "Witte Leeuw" (1613), catalogue Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1982
Pinto de Matos 1996
M.A. Pinto de Matos, Chinese Export Porcelain from the Museum of Antastácio Gonςalves, Lisbon, London 1996
Pohle 2006
D. Pohle, "Porseleinzaal van Age Looxma Ypeij in ere hersteld" in: Keramika, Jaargang 18, Nummer 4, Winter 2006, pp.6-13.
Reichel 1981
F. Reichel, Early Japanse Porcelain. Arita porcelain in the Dresden Collection, Leipzig 1981
Rinaldi 1989
M. Rinaldi, Kraak porcelain. A moment in the history of trade, London 1989
Rotondo-McCord 1997
Imari. Porcelain for European Palaces from the Freda and Ralph Lupin Collection. Exhibition catalogue New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans 1997
Rotterdam 1986
In the wake of the Liefde, Cultural relations between the Netherlands and Japan, since 1600, Exhibition catalogue, Rotterdam September 6th 1986 - January 5th 1987
Salisbury 2014
The Helen Espir Collection of European Decorated Oriental Porcelain, auction catalogue Woolley & Wallis Salisbury, 12 November 2014
Sargent 2012
W.R. Sargent, Treasures of Chinese Export Ceramics from the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem Massachusetts 2012
Schiffer 1997
N.N. Schiffer, Imari, Satsuma, and other Japanese export ceramics, Atglen 1997
Scholten & Jörg 1990
F.T. Scholten and C.J.A. Jörg, "Delfts aardewerk in het Groninger Museum", in: Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van de Ceramiek, vol. 140, Groningen 1990, pp.3-48
Scholten 1993
F.T. Scholten, The Edwin van Drecht collection. Dutch Majolica & Delftware 1550-1700, Amsterdam 1993
Schölvinck 2010
L.C.A.M. Schölvinck, Kostbaar Goed van Grote Pracht. Chinees en Japans exportporselein uit de 17e en 18e eeuw, Zwolle 2010
Seoul 2020
600 Years of East-West Exchange through Ceramics, National Museum of Korea, Seoul 2020
Shanghai 2009
Traces of the Trade. Chinese Export Porcelain donated by Henk B. Nieuwenhuys, Shanghai 2009
Sheaf & Kilburn 1988
C. Sheaf & R. Kilburn, The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes. The Complete Record, Oxford 1988
Shono 1973
Masako Shono. Japanisches Aritaporzellan im sogenannten 'Kakiemonstil' als Vorbild für die Meissener Porzellanmanufactur, München 1973
Sjostrand & Lok Lok 2007
S. Sjostrand & S. Lok Lok bt. Syed Idrus, The Wanli Shipwreck and its ceramic cargo, Kuala Lumpur 2007
Spruit 1967
L. Spruit, "Een decor in encre de Chine", in: Antiek, II-4, Lochem, November 1967, pp.179-183
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten 1998
F.W. Gosse ed., Porzellane. Die blau-weißen asiatischen Porzellane in Schloß Favorite bei Rastatt, Part 1 of the series, Schätze aus unseren Schlössern: Porzellane. (Treasures from our Castles: Porcelain), Schwetzingen 1998
Stamford 1981
The Wrestling Boys. Chinese and Japanese Ceramics from the 16th to the 18th Century in the Collection at Burghly House, exhibition catalogue, Stamford 1981
Stevenson & Guy 1997
J. Stevenson & J. Guy, Vietnamese Ceramics. A Separate Tradition. Chicago 1997
Ströber 2001
E. Ströber, La maladie de porcelaiine..., East Asian Porcelain from the Collection of August the Strong, Berlin 2001
Ströber 2005
E. Ströber, "Representation and Taste in Baroque Court Culture: the Porcelain Collection of Augustus the Strong", in: Vormen uit Vuur, The History of collecting Oriental Ceramics in East and West, Mededelingenblad Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van Ceramiek en Glas, vols. 191/192, Amsterdam 2005/2-3, pp.48-57.
Ströber 2011
E. Ströber, Ten Thousand Times Happiness. Auspicious Motifs on Chinese Porcelain. The Collection het Princessehof Leeuwarden, Stuttgart 2011
Stuttgart 2000
Tek Sing Treasures, auction catalogue, Nagel Auctions Stuttgart, November 2000
Suchomel 1997
F. Suchomel, Mistrovská dĩla Japonského porcelánu / Masterpieces of Japanese Porcelain, Prague 1997
Suchomel 2015
F. Suchomel, 300 Treasures. Chinese Porcelain in the Wallenstein, Schwarzenberg & Lichnowsky family collection, Prague 2015
Suebsman 2018
D. Suebsman, Melk en Bloed. Erlesenes Porzellan aus dem Reich der Mitte, Norden 2018
Suebsman 2019
D. Suebsman, Melk en Bloed. Exquisite porcelain from the Middle Kingdom, Norden 2019
Suebsman 2023
Handel in Batavia - Teekultur aus fernen Lande / Trade in Batavia - Tea culture from a Faraway Land, exhibition catalogue Ostfriesisches Teemuseum Norden, Norden 2023