Pater Gratia Oriental Art

London 1994



General Editor : Battie, D.


Title: Sotheby's Concise Encyclopedia of Porcelain


The encyclopedia surveys many centuries of production , beginning in the Far East with Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Annamese porcelain, It goes on to chart the introduction of Chinese export porcelain into Europe in the seventeenth century and the Oriental influence thereafter. The creative output of all the great eighteenth- and nineteenth-century factories - Meissen, Berlin,and Sèvres on the Continent and Chelsea, Bow and Minton in England - is described in detail and important technical information is included. A guide for the inexperienced enthusiast from era to era, factory to factory and craftsman to craftsman.


Publisher: Fist published in 1990 by Conran Octopus Limited, this paperback edition is published in 1994 by Conran Octopus Limited


Details: Illustrated sift cover with full colour illustrations of all objects, Foreword, Introduction, Bibliography. Glossary, Biographies. Map and Time Chart and Index.


Pages: 208 pp.


ISBN 10: 1 85029 648 0


Language: English


Dimensions: 280 mm (11.0 inch) x 240 mm (9.4 inch) x 15 mm (0.6 inch).


Private copy, not for sale.


(copyright in bibliographic data and cover images is held by the publisher or by their respective licensors: all rights reserved)