Pater Gratia Oriental Art

Amsterdam 1983


Object 2011214


Sale catalogue

Title: The Van Gulik Collection of Fine Chinese, Japanese Tibetan Paintings and Calligraphy; Oriental Ceramics and Works of Art, sale catalogue Christie's Amsterdam, 7 December 1983


In this catalogue a first "trail selection" from the "Hatcher junk" was offered for sale.


The wares were obviously unusual, but the glaze of most of the pieces had been made dull and matt by sea salt and there was no historical background or provenance for this peculiar group of lots in the sale. Prices were low; the disappointing results suggested that future sales required fuller explanation of the origin and significance of this type of export porcelain if bidders were to be attracted. (source: The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes. The complete record, (C. Sheaf & R. Kilburn, Phaidon-Christie's, Oxford 1988)


Publisher: Christie's Amsterdam B.V. 1983.


Details: Illustrated soft cover with black and white illustrations.


Pages: 91 pp.


ISBN 10: -


Language: English


Dimensions: 240 mm (9 inch) x 185 mm (7 inch) x 6 mm (0.24 inch).


Private copy, not for sale.


(copyright in bibliographic data and cover images is held by the publisher or by their respective licensors: all rights reserved)